Monday, September 27, 2010

The Golden Glove

     In this years Fifa World Cup, the Golden Glove award was rewarded to none other than Madrid's own Iker Casillas; an award given to the best goalie of the tournament and, in turn, the world! Currently resting comfortably as the captain for both the Spanish International team and Real Madrid, Casillas boasts an heir of assurance and respect among the football community.
     Nonetheless, it wasn't all fame, glory, and a gorgeous wife for Iker. He had a few opportunistic chances to prove himself in the highest leagues of soccer. In 2002 Korea-Japan, when the star goalie Canizarez was injured weeks before the international spectale, young Casillas had to step up, and with the grace of a leaping monkey allowed Spain's far-fetched trajectory in the tournament.
     Casillas can be easily categorized between the top three goal keepers of the world; while many other keepers follow close behind like Barcelona's Valdes. Personally, Casillas has been far greater than Valdes will ever be, yet who knows, Casillas is turning 29 and his golden years have past. Who will prove to be as worthy as this king?

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