Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sergio Ramos

Today's spotlight is on the acclaimed Sergio Ramos, star defender for Real Madrid! At merely 17 (my age) Ramos was already a starting defender in the most famous club of the world. His youth stages began in the club of Sevilla in Andalucia. Such was his passion and determination that not only did he succeed in earning a contract in 2004, but remains today a highly honored defender (at the age of 24!). Ramos continues to impress, being a starter for the Spanish Team as well. Although his brother René is his agent, nothing keeps young Sergio from a great pay! Since 2005, Ramos, a defender, has managed to score 22 goals for Real Madrid and 2 goals for Spain! Talk about a well rounded player. Personally, one of my great inspirations and motivations in my soccer career, here is a link to show you in video what I'm really talking about!


  1. He really likes to use his head, doesn’t he? Cool video, I liked it.
    It’s pretty amazing he has scored so many goals considering his defending position.

  2. This is guy is a defender and he's scoring goals... now isn't that some god damn talent! I feel like this guy's head can shoot missiles, he's so accurate with his headers! And the whole, signature flip celebration is pretty impressive. I like Sergio Ramos's style, he's just an overall play-maker.

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