Thursday, December 2, 2010

5-0 Ouch!

     Monday, November 29, 2010, will live dearly in the hearts and souls of the Catalán people. Processions of parties rallied through Barcelona with flags bearing not only a team but a country inside it. In Madrid, dead silence seeped through the eyes of Real Madrid fans and followers. All around the world the weight of the loss, or should I call it the defeat, was unbearable and embarrassing. The scoreboard read 5 Barcelona - 0 Real Madrid.
      El Clásico proved to be a monotonous, one sided game. It appeared as if the souls and mentality of Mourihno's squad had been sucked out entirely! I even believed they Barcelona was dancing around them at one point. The Camp Nou was as festive as the Fourth of July, or even more.
     Xavi, Pedro, Villa (2), and Jeffren scored seemingly simply on Casilla's goal posts. Madrid being confused and dazed (almost seemed drugged) began feeling some sort of desperation and fouls were committed left right up down. Sergio Ramos received his second red card in a week after forcefully kicking Messi (man of the match) and shoving Puyol and Xavi, members of his own national team.
     Barcelona takes the lead in front of Madrid for La Liga, yet two points is no less than the suffering honor of the Madrid players. Monday was history.


  1. I remember seeing this game and just thinking, "Damn! Madrid is getting ambushed!" Since both teams are top two in the league's standings, I was expecting a tight game. It was surprising to see Madrid suddenly getting scored on time after time, and not even showing the slightest effort of defensive improvement. It was as if they just gave up, and every Clásico fan knows on game like this, "You can't give up." El Clásico is not your usual soccer match, it's a duel between two of the biggest countries in soccer!

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